Konradin trade events
Our expertise lies in the planning and staging of high-quality trade events in our areas of expertise architecture, industry, trades, eye care, fine living and knowledge. Regardless of whether they are regular events or tailored to specific customers, these professional events present the ideal opportunity for knowledge transfer, discussions and making new contacts.
Our specialist editors create influential events dealing with topical themes within their industries, or collaborate with carefully selected stakeholders in the market to stage a varied range of special events. They assume responsibility for the quality of the content and crucial tasks such as event moderation. Suppliers can also participate through sponsorship packages.
Konradin Relations conceives and stages customised events. Whether it is an evening lecture followed by a relaxed networking opportunity, a full-day trade seminar, an exclusive one-off event or a series of bespoke events for several customers, we will come up with a concept to suit any requirement.

Trade events from Konradin Architecture
Those looking to make a lasting impression on architects are spoilt for choice, thanks to a range of exclusive events that clients can combine as they choose. Highlights include die Ortstermine – the on-site visits where architects rub shoulders with journalists and manufacturers; the md technical seminars on the topics of haptics, acoustics, light, colour and Round Table of Textiles, designed to stimulate all the senses; and online or traditional conferences, for example on the pioneering topic of “sufficiency”. These events bring customers all kinds of benefits.

Tried and tested: the Mensch&Büro Academy
The Mensch&Büro Academy is the leading provider of information and expertise on the subject of offices throughout the German-speaking world.
Attendees of Mensch&Büro seminars can learn about office planning, relevant legislation and ergonomic requirements. These seminars are open to the general public, but companies can also book their own fully customised versions as in-house training.

Innovation Forum, Expert Forum, Theme Parks
The annual mav Innovation Forum at the Böblingen Conference Centre (2022 already for the 14th time) has become a firmly established event. Further examples of high-quality events for our target groups include EPP Innovationsforum (2022 already for the 10th time) or the QUALITY ENGINEERING Innovationsforum.

Collaboration with trade fairs and other media partnerships
Through its media partnerships with major trade fairs, Konradin provides exclusive professional services such as technical forums and guided tours. When we organise events for customers or associations, we can coordinate all technical aspects as required, market the event to participants, coordinate visitor registrations, arrange moderators and even prepare the conference readers.